
Share Your Stories and Messages for the Future

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In 2024, COMP celebrates its Golden Jubilee and now Calls for Stories from all of our Friends, Colleagues, Students and Alumni to share your momentous moments at PolyU and COMP with our Community.

Leave a message for future COMP, your beloved Friends, and Yourself. Your message will be encrypted and stored, to be revealed again in 2029, five years later.

How does it work, and what stories can I share?

On this platform, you can submit your stories for COMP History Library, the COMP 50 Time Capsule, or both.

1) COMP History Library

- Content will be publicly accessible. - Stories will be displayed on the history library based on the year the event occurred. -Share your memorable photos with the COMP community -Recommended Stories: 1) Your memories of studying or working at COMP and PolyU (Example: Congregation, Annual Dinner, International Learning Programme, Competition)

2) COMP 50 Time Capsule

- Content will be hidden and revealed on this website in November 2029 - Recommended Stories: 1) Your outlook and aspirations for the industry's development in the next 5 years 2) What would you like to say to PolyU/COMP five years from now? 3) What would you like to say to your future self in 5 years?

How to share your stories?

Easy, just a few steps: 1. Create a user account. Your email address will be used for receiving emails from the organiser, including a reminder when the Time Capsule opens in 2029. 2. Select the type of submission: History Library or 50 Time Capsule. 3. Submit your content and upload image (optional) 4. Complete the submission.

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Ready to share your stories?

Let the memories take flight!